mgedmin / indicator-netspeed

Stupid network speed indicator for Unity, inspired by the old netspeed GNOME applet
104 stars 47 forks source link

Customization... #1

Closed askuhn closed 12 years ago

askuhn commented 12 years ago

I was wondering if there is any way to make this nice port function a bit more like the old applet used to:

  1. Is there any way to convert the displayed values to bits instead of bytes?
  2. Is it possible to display the up & down values without clicking? (perhaps even inverting it and placing the net total in the menu instead?)

Also, perhaps a "quit" choice in the menu? The only way i can shut it off is by killing the process.

This is by no means a demand for you to act upon my questions, just (someone that has no idea how to code :P) hoping for a little help...Thanks very much!

mgedmin commented 12 years ago

I find the constant width changes that push other indicators around incredibly distracting, so much that I can't actually use it. This means that, unfortunately, I'm not interested in working on it any more.


askuhn commented 12 years ago

Sad to hear it, but thanks for your reply :)

mgedmin commented 12 years ago

FWIW I added a "quit" menu item.

askuhn commented 12 years ago

I did notice that, and thank you, but unless I can figure out a way to get some of my other requests, then it is not very useful for me, either. Thanks again, though! :)