mgedmin / indicator-netspeed

Stupid network speed indicator for Unity, inspired by the old netspeed GNOME applet
104 stars 47 forks source link

fix ubuntu18.04 unity compile issue #16

Open wangbjun opened 1 year ago

wangbjun commented 1 year ago

If you are using ubuntu 18.04+, but still using unity desktop, you will find that the original installation of ppa source is also useless, and the download of the source code can not be compiled successfully, prompting the lack of dependent libraries. To solve this problem, I forked the library and made the following changes:

The dependency library libappindicator3-dev was changed to libayatana-appindicator3-dev and the second line of include in the source code was changed to: #include <libayatana-appindicator3-0.1/libayatana- appindicator/app-indicator.h>

The dependency appindicator3-0.1 in the Makefile should be changed to ayatana-appindicator3-0.1 and then it will be compiled and installed successfully.

or you can just use my fork repository: