Before, passing the precinct_names to the .fit methods of TwoByTwoEI or RowByColumnEI as a pandas Series (as was done in the example notebooks) caused an error when saving an ei model with pyei's to_netcdf. With this update, the precinct_names are now converted internally to a numpy array so that the saving happens correctly, even if the user passes the precinct_names as a pandas.Series. Fixes #99
Before, passing the precinct_names to the .fit methods of TwoByTwoEI or RowByColumnEI as a pandas Series (as was done in the example notebooks) caused an error when saving an ei model with pyei's to_netcdf. With this update, the precinct_names are now converted internally to a numpy array so that the saving happens correctly, even if the user passes the precinct_names as a pandas.Series. Fixes #99