mgieseki / dvisvgm

A fast DVI, EPS, and PDF to SVG converter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Misrender of "periodic table" example using dvisvgm backend driver #227

Closed rfdonnelly closed 1 year ago

rfdonnelly commented 1 year ago

Hello. This is a follow on to #225 which was resolved by having me use the PGF/TikZ dvisvgm backend driver. Thank you for that. Using the dvisvgm backend driver fixed the "focused ion beam system" example but it breaks the periodic table example at

The labels for the gray elements get misplaced (red annotations mine):


I suspect this is an issue with the PGF/TikZ dvisvgm backend driver instead of dvisvgm itself but I thought I would start here first to confirm.

Screenshot Comparison

Click the images for the corresponding SVG/PDF source file:

SVG using default driver SVG using dvisvgm driver PDF


I get the same results with both of the following configurations.

Alpine Linux 3.17

texlive Docker Image


Copy the example from to default.tex.

Copy default.tex to dvisvgm.tex and modify as follows:

--- examples/periodic-table/default.tex 2023-02-04 15:02:12.868609073 -0800
+++ examples/periodic-table/dvisvgm.tex 2023-02-04 15:02:12.918592361 -0800
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 % Adapted from
 % All Credit to Ivan Griffin.




Then run:

latex default.tex
dvisvgm --font-format=woff default.dvi

latex dvisvgm.tex
dvisvgm --font-format=woff dvisvgm.dvi
muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

A simplified example:

\ifnum\pdfoutput>0 % pdf output
  \documentclass[tikz, margin=5pt]{standalone}
\else % dvi output
  \documentclass[dvisvgm, tikz, margin=5pt]{standalone}

  \node[draw] {before {\color{gray}GRAY} after};

Rrelevant .dvi content (dumped using dviasm). I'm far from familiar with dvi operations hence not able to say if they are alright.

tikz dvips backend ``` push: xxx: 'ps: 0 setgray ' push: fnt: cmr10 at 10pt set: 'b' right: 0.277786pt set: 'efore' w: 3.333328pt xxx: 'color push gray 0.5' set: 'GRA' right: -0.833344pt set: 'Y' xxx: 'color pop' w0: set: 'after' pop: pop: xxx: 'ps::[begin]' xxx: 'ps:: pgfr' xxx: 'ps:: restore ' xxx: 'ps:: restore ' ```
tikz dvisvgm backend (with document class option `dvisvgm`) ``` push: xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw {?nl} ' xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw ' push: fnt: cmr10 at 10pt set: 'b' right: 0.277786pt set: 'efore' w: 3.333328pt xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw ' xxx: 'color push gray 0.5' set: 'GRA' right: -0.833344pt set: 'Y' xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw ' xxx: 'color pop' w0: set: 'after' pop: right: 83.041794pt xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw ' xxx: 'dvisvgm:raw {?nl} ' pop: ```
muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

Just a workaround: Since this picture is simple (from ps-special's view, for example no shading no pattern), dvisvgm is able to process the .dvi output of latex without setting tikz backend to dvisvgm (default backend is dvips I think).

Hence the original \documentclass[tikz,border=5mm]{standalone} works.

Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't help automatic compiling required by

rfdonnelly commented 1 year ago

Thank you for minimizing the example!

mgieseki commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. It's a bug in dvisvgm's character handler that's easy to fix. I'll push the patch shortly.

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

Wow, this once again pushes me to try compiling dvisvgm on macOS, instead of waiting for the update from texlive once a year.

rfdonnelly commented 1 year ago

Thank you @mgieseki!