I would like to use multiple svg's created by dvisvgm inline on a given html page. However, this causes these svg's to overwrite each other's css. One solution would be to generate a unique id for the svg, and then using that id in the css to scope it:
I have to look into this more closely but don't have time to work on dvisvgm in the next few weeks. As a workaround you could use option --no-styles maybe in combination with --optimize.
Currently, dvisvgm outputs svg files containing css like this:
I would like to use multiple svg's created by dvisvgm inline on a given html page. However, this causes these svg's to overwrite each other's css. One solution would be to generate a unique id for the svg, and then using that id in the css to scope it:
Would it be possible to implement an option for dvisvgm to do this automatically?