mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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abnormal pituicyte morphology #1874

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 9 years ago

Please add:

abnormal pituicyte morphology as a child of "abnormal neurohypophysis morphology [MP:0004164]" DEF: any structural anomaly of the distinctive fusiform cells present in the pars nervosa of the posterior pituitary gland which resemble astrocytes/glial cells of the CNS and assist in the storage and release of neurohypophysial hormones From J:30430, J:50772, J:97284

see also "A cell with long processes running parallel to adjacent axons in the proximal infundibulum of the neurohypophysis. These processes form a three-dimensional network among the axons of the hypothalamic neurosecretory cells and are connected by gap junctions which provide for their metabolic coupling. This cell type constitutes most of the nonexcitable tissue in the neurohypophsis; function may include possibly acting as an intermediate in the modulation of oxytocin and vasopressin release. This cell type is highly variable in size and shape and commonly contain lipid droplets and deposits of lipochrome pigment. Source: ISBN:0412046911,"



Reported by: anna_anagnos

Original Ticket: obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1874

obophenotype-user commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 9 years ago

New term added:

abnormal pituicyte morphology MP_0013340

Original comment by: cindyJax