mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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digastric muscle definition, terms and placement #2354

Closed anna-anagnostop closed 7 years ago

anna-anagnostop commented 7 years ago

abnormal digastric muscle morphology MP:0013815 (a child of "abnormal facial muscle morphology" MP:0030039) DEF: any structural anomaly of the small suprahyoid muscle located below the body of the mandible, and extending, in a curved form, from the mastoid notch to the symphysis menti; it consists of two muscular bellies, an anterior and a posterior belly, united by an intermediate rounded tendon attaching to the hyoid bone through a fibrous loop; the two bellies have different embryological origins and are supplied by different cranial nerves SYN: abnormal digastricus morphology DEF SOURCE”

abnormal digastric anterior belly morphology DEF: any structural anomaly of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle which arises from a depression on the inner side of the lower border of the mandible called the digastric fossa, close to the symphysis, and passes downward and backward; the anterior body originates from the first pharyngeal arch and is supplied by the trigeminal via the mylohyoid nerve, a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, itself a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve SYN: abnormal anterior digastricus morphology SYN: abnormal digastric muscle anterior belly morphology

abnormal digastric posterior belly morphology DEF: any structural anomaly of the longer, posterior belly of the digastric muscle arising from the mastoid notch which is on the inferior surface of the skull, medial to the mastoid process of the temporal bone; the posterior belly is supplied by the digastric branch of facial nerve SYN: abnormal caudal digastricus morphology SYN: abnormal digastric muscle posterior belly morphology J:41540 J:36235

abnormal digastric muscle physiology (child of abnormal facial muscle physiology; see issue #2353) DEF: any functional anomaly of the digastric muscle whose action elevates the hyoid when the mandible is fixed and depresses the mandible when the hyoid is fixed; when the two bellies of the digastric contract, they pull upward on the hyoid bone; but if the hyoid is fixed from below, the digastric assists in extreme opening of the mouth such as yawning or taking a large bite SYN: abnormal digastricus physiology SOURCE:

anna-anagnostop commented 7 years ago

abnormal digastric anterior belly morphology MP:0030145 abnormal digastric posterior belly morphology MP:0030146 abnormal digastric muscle physiology MP:0030147