mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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New term request: abnormal transcription #2686

Open LaurensWilming opened 6 years ago

LaurensWilming commented 6 years ago

If this is a request for a new term, please provide us with the following information.

  1. Preferred term label

abnormal transcription

  1. Textual definition

any anomaly in the cellular process where a DNA sequence template is transcribed into mRNA molecules that act as a substrate for protein translation

  1. Any additional notes to clarify the meaning or use of the term. Please provide a PubMed ID or URL(s) for the source of this information.

PMID:27040500 discusses NMD (nonsense-mediated decay of mRNA transcripts). Under Abnormal Cell Physiology there are terms for protein translation and DNA-related terms, but none for mRNA/transcription.

  1. Suggested parent term

MP:0005621 abnormal cell physiology

sbello commented 6 years ago

added MP:0020845

sbello commented 6 years ago

reviewing other annotations to abnormal cell physiology to see if additional terms are needed

sbello commented 6 years ago

added MP:0020846 0 abnormal cell motility

sbello commented 6 years ago

other potential terms: abnormal peroxisome physiology abnormal exocytosis (GO:0006887) abnormal cellular immortalization (GO:0020021, possibly broader than the GO term as this may be done using proteins and not necessarily a virus) abnormal ATP level abnormal actin filament morphology (GO:0005884) abnormal cellular response to stress (GO:0033554) - example stressors - thermal, tunicamycin or thapsigargin or genotoxic, laminar shear, hypotonic, hyperosmotic, NaCl or urea abnormal vacuole morphology (GO:0005773 ) - a number of annotations for vacuole accumulation are under physiology but these should probably be under morphology

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal peroxisome physiology MP:0020847 abnormal exocytosis MP:0020848 abnormal actin cytoskeleton morphology MP:0020849 abnormal microtubule cytoskeleton morphology MP:0020850

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal vacuole morphology MP:0020851