mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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review and update axioms based on POTATO workshop #2803

Open sbello opened 6 years ago

sbello commented 6 years ago

Go through the comments from the POTATO workshop to fix the issues identified in this workshop

sbello commented 6 years ago

encephalomeningocele - during the meeting we came up with this definition: 'has part' some ('protruding out of' and ('inheres in' some (tissue and (‘part of’ some brain) and (‘part of’ some ‘brain meninx’) ) and ('towards' some skull) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) Protege is giving me an error at the first 'part of'. Any suggestions as to how to fix this? Should we be using 'has part' rather than 'part of'?

cmungall commented 6 years ago

syntax error (red highlight)? It looks like you may be using the wrong quote character (pasting from google docs edited by multiple people..).

Btw, I would simplify and for the entity just say "tissue and 'part of' some 'brain meninx'", already inferred that the tissue is part of brain

sbello commented 6 years ago

Thanks Chris, yes multiple quote character issues. We need brain to indicate that this is both the meninges and the brain protruding not just the meninges. Possibly we could simplify to just 'brain'?

sbello commented 6 years ago

Modified 'heart right ventricle hypertrophy' to 'has part' some (hypertrophic and ('inheres in' some 'cardiac muscle of right ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) Not what we came up with in the session but captures both that this is the right ventricle and that the muscle is hypertrophic.

sbello commented 6 years ago

Also updated text definition and updated left ventricle term as well.