mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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examples of questionable inferences from reasoner #2969

Open sbello opened 5 years ago

sbello commented 5 years ago

Starting a ticket to capture examples where EQ statements produce questionable inferred parents

impaired contractility of urinary bladder detrusor smooth muscle (MP:0000741) reasoner suggests parent impaired contractility of intestinal smooth muscle (MP:0004005)

sbello commented 5 years ago

The EQ for abnormal urine enzyme level is using the GO term 'catalytic activity' this doesn't seem quite right and leads to the inferred parent abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal spermatogonia proliferation has the inferred parent 'abnormal primordial germ cell proliferation'

sbello commented 5 years ago

'impaired basement membrane formation' has the inferred parent 'abnormal metabolism'

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal vascular endothelial cell development has the inferred parent 'abnormal cell differentiation'

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal Harderian gland pigmentation has the inferred parent 'abnormal eye pigmentation'

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal renal tubule morphology has the inferred parent 'abnormal kidney epithelium morphology'

sbello commented 5 years ago

ocular albinism inferred to be child of abnormal metabolism due to use of melanin metabolic process in the EQ

sbello commented 5 years ago

abnormal fetal cardiomyocyte apoptosis is inferred to be a child of abnormal cardiomyocyte apoptosis but I don't think we want the fetal cell under the adult cell, may be an issue of the CL term used not matching the intent of the MP term

sbello commented 5 years ago

seminal vesiculitis has the inferred parent testis inflammation, I think this is due to an incorrect relation between testis and seminal vesicle in UBERON

matentzn commented 5 years ago

Wow this is super useful! Thanks @sbello keep them coming!

sbello commented 5 years ago

maxillary sinus inflammation has the inferred parent osteomyelitis (bone inflammation, MP:0005190), I would not think of sinus inflammation as a bone inflammation but I'll need to think about this more and make sure I understand 'maxillary sinus'

sbello commented 5 years ago

increased and decreased systemic arterial diastolic/systolic blood pressure are inferred to be children of increased/decreased mean systemic arterial blood pressure - I think this is because the mean term is missing a nuance in the definition and the others are using rogue relations. We should probably review all the definitions under MP:0002842 and MP:0002843, note the diastolic ones currently have the rogue relation 'after' and the systolic ones are using 'exists during'.

sbello commented 5 years ago

absent pterygoid muscle has the inferred parent absent masticatory muscles - problem with absent meaning absent all of X vs absent some of X when there is more than one X similar issue with absent teeth

sbello commented 5 years ago

intestinal obstruction (MP:0003270) has the suggested parent 'abnormal intestine morphology' the MP has this term under the physiology branch (child of abnormal gastrointestinal motility), obstructions do not have to be morphological