mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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abnormal cerebral blood flow rate #3306

Closed slaulederkind closed 3 years ago

slaulederkind commented 4 years ago

If this is a request for a new term, please provide us with the following information.

  1. Preferred term label (e.g., asplenia)
  1. abnormal cerebral blood flow rate
  2. increased cerebral blood flow rate
  3. decreased cerebral blood flow rate
  1. Synonyms (e.g., absent spleen)
  1. aberrant cerebral blood flow rate
  2. elevated cerebral blood flow rate
  3. reduced cerebral blood flow rate
  1. Textual definition (the definition should be understandable even for non-specialists. Include a PubMed ID or URL(s) to refer to any relevant article(s) that provides information about the suggested term).
  1. aberrant rate of blood flow in the blood vessels supplying the cerebrum
  2. elevated rate of blood flow in the blood vessels supplying the cerebrum
  3. reduced rate of blood flow in the blood vessels supplying the cerebrum PMID:25397684
  1. Any additional notes to clarify the meaning or use of the term. Please provide a PubMed ID or URL(s) for the source of this information.

  2. Suggested parent term (Please look in the hierarchy of the MP using the MP Browser or other browsers such as OLS and find the place in the MP where the new term best fits)

  1. abnormal blood flow velocity (MP:0000233)
  2. abnormal cerebral blood flow rate (new term)
  3. abnormal cerebral blood flow rate (new term)
  1. If you would like a nanoattribution, please indicate your ORCID id or provide a label such as MGI:sbello (organization, first initial-last name)


anna-anagnostop commented 3 years ago


CBF is defined as the volume of arterial blood delivered to a unit mass of brain tissue per unit of time. PMID: 29693564

CBF is defined as the blood volume that flows per unit mass per unit time in brain tissue and is typically expressed in units of mlblood/(100  gtissue  min). Alternatively, one may express CBF in terms of flow per unit volume of brain tissue, thus in mlblood/(100  mltissue  min). The numerical values of CBF in the two cases differ by a factor given by the density of human brain tissue, which is about 1.04 to 1.06  g/ml (with reported values, measured ex vivo, as high as 1.08  g/ml).4 The normal average cerebral blood flow (CBF) in adult humans is about 50  ml/(100  g min),5 with lower values in the white matter [∼20  ml/(100  g min)] and greater values in the gray matter [∼80  ml/(100  g min)]. PMID: 27403447

sbello commented 3 years ago

unclear if cerebrum is being used as a synonym for the brain in general, suggest creating a generic brain blood flow rate term and then create a specific cerebrum as child

slaulederkind commented 3 years ago

I need specific cerebrum terms for blood flow in the cerebral hemispheres. Making "brain" parent terms might save you more work later if the "brain" terms would be needed later for some other curation. Thanks.

sbello commented 3 years ago

@slaulederkind that is our plan (create both) since some existing MGI annotations are unclear

anna-anagnostop commented 3 years ago

Added new terms:

abnormal brain blood flow rate MP:0031179 decreased brain blood flow rate MP:0031180 increased brain blood flow rate MP:0031181 abnormal cerebral blood flow rate MP:0031182 decreased cerebral blood flow rate MP:0031183 increased cerebral blood flow rate MP:0031184

Still need to decide on what EQs to use; Also, check EQs for abnormal coronary flow rate and abnormal renal plasma flow rate terms

anna-anagnostop commented 3 years ago

For decreased terms use abnormallyDecreasedRateOfBiologicalProcessInLocation.yaml:

'has_part' some ('decreased rate' and ('inheres_in' some (%s and ('occurs_in' some %s))) and ('qualifier' some 'abnormal'))

For increased terms use abnormallyDecreasedRateOfBiologicalProcessInLocation.yaml:

'has_part' some ('increased rate' and ('inheres_in' some (%s and ('occurs_in' some %s))) and ('qualifier' some 'abnormal'))

anna-anagnostop commented 3 years ago

Added EQs for abnormal coronary flow rate and abnormal renal plasma flow rate terms

Also, amended EQs for abnormal coronary circulation MP:0006111 and abnormal pulmonary circulation MP:0002295 using:

'has_part' some ('process quality' and ('inheres_in' some (%s and ('occurs_in' some %s))) and ('has_modifier' some 'abnormal'))"