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Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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new terms for liver vasculature #40

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

In J:100427, double transgenic embryos and newborns are analyzed and various problems with the liver vasculature are detected. Some new terms (some may be fairly common, others more rarely used if at all) might be necessary. These include a broad abnormal hepatic vasculature term, and more specific: abnormal space of Disse (perisinusoidal space), abnormal liver or hepatic parenchymal cell morphology, abnormal liver sinusoid/sinusoidal network morphology (ref shows decrease/absence of fenestrations on sinusoidal epithelium surface and accumulation of/congestion with red blood cells), and possibly abnormal liver vascular development incl. microvascular network development.

Reported by: rbabiuk

Original Ticket: "obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/40":

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

New terms added thus far:

[Term] id: MP:0008986 name: abnormal liver parenchyma morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008987 name: abnormal liver lobule morphology def: "any structural anomaly of the polygonal structure of the liver that consists of hepatocytes radiating outward from a hepatic vein" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] comment: Do not confuse this term with the anatomic lobes of the liver. synonym: "abnormal classic lobule" EXACT [] synonym: "abnormal classical lobule" EXACT [] synonym: "abnormal hepatic lobule morphology" EXACT [] is_a: MP:0008986 ! abnormal liver parenchyma morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008988 name: abnormal liver perisinusoidal space morphology def: "any structural anomaly of the extravascular space in the liver between the parenchymal cells and a sinusoid that contains the blood plasma" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] synonym: "abnormal hepatic perisinusoidal space morphology" EXACT [] synonym: "abnormal space of Disse morphology" EXACT [] is_a: MP:0008987 ! abnormal liver lobule morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008989 name: abnormal liver sinusoid morphology def: "any structural anomaly of the hepatic distensible vascular blood channels lined with highly fenestrated endothelial cells that function to exchange fluids, nutrients, proteins and wastes" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] synonym: "abnormal hepatic sinusoid morphology" EXACT [] is_a: MP:0008987 ! abnormal liver lobule morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008990 name: abnormal Ito cell morphology def: "any strucutral anomaly of the fat-storing cells that line the hepatic sinusoids" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] synonym: "abnormal hepatic lipocytes" EXACT [] synonym: "abnormal hepatic stellate cell morphology" EXACT [] is_a: MP:0008988 ! abnormal liver perisinusoidal space morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008991 name: abnormal bile canaliculus morphology def: "any structural anomaly of the intercellular channels that take up bile from hepatocytes and transport it to the bile ducts" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] synonym: "abnormal bile canaliculi morphology" EXACT [] synonym: "abnormal bile capillary morphology" EXACT [] is_a: MP:0008987 ! abnormal liver lobule morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008992 name: abnormal portal lobule morphology def: "any strucutral anomaly of the triangular region on the periphery of the liver lobules that contain a bile duct and a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition"] is_a: MP:0008986 ! abnormal liver parenchyma morphology

[Term] id: MP:0008993 name: abnormal portal triad morphology def: "any strucutral anomaly of the three vessels of the portal lobule including the bile duct, a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel" [ISBN:0-683-40008-8 "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th edition", MGI:csmith "Cynthia L. Smith, Mouse Genome Informatics Curator"] is_a: MP:0008992 ! abnormal portal lobule morphology

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter did not respond within 60 days (the time period specified by the administrator of this Tracker).

Original comment by: sf-robot

obophenotype-user commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: sf-robot