mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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related to digit dev #493

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

new terms , children of abnormal digit development [MP:0006280]

abnormal apical ectodermal ridge def abnormality of the ectodermal thickening (AER) at the end of each limb bud in the developing embryo critical to the initiation of limb development

abnormal interdigital cell death def a decrease in the expected number of cells undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis) during development precluding the sculpting of normal digits

absent interdigital cell death def. no programmed cell death (apoptosis) occurs during development precluding the sculpting of any digits

Reported by: llw2

Original Ticket: obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/493

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax