mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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Follicular Helper T Cells #625

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

This is now a well established subset of CD4+ T cells, along side Th1, Th2. Generally ICOS+ CXCR5+, produce IL21. Recent papers I annotated that mentioned them J:157915, J:155586.

Reported by: jbubier

Original Ticket: obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/625

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago


We will add this to the Cell Ontology.

Please add cell type requests to the CL tracker:\_id=76834&atid=925065



Original comment by: addiehl

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Thanks. Once added in the CL we will need in the MP terms: abnormal T-follicular helper cell differentiation abnormal T-follicular helper cell morphology abnormal T-follicular helper cell number increased T-follicular helper cell number decreased T-follicular helper cell number abnormal T-follicular helper cell physiology

Original comment by: nobody

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Turns out we have "T follicular helper cell" in the hemo_CL file, but the term is not yet added to the main cell.obo file. I have asked Terry if the name should rather be "follicular helper T cell"?

I will keep you updated.

[Term] id: CL:0002038 name: T follicular helper cell namespace: cell def: "A CD4-positive, CXCR5-positive, CCR7-negative alpha-beta T cell located in follicles of secondary lymph nodes that expresses high levels of BCL-6, ICOS and PD1 and stimulate follicular B cells to undergo class-switching and antibody production." [PMID:19855402, XX:<new dbxref>] is_a: CL:0000492 ! CD4-positive helper T cell intersection_of: CL:0000492 ! CD4-positive helper T cell intersection_of: has_part PRO:000003450 ! B-cell lymphoma 6 protein intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PRO:000001209 ! chemokine receptor CXCR5 intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PRO:000001860 ! inducible T-cell costimulator intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PRO:000001919 ! programmed cell death protein 1 intersection_of: lacks_plasma_membrane_part PRO:000001203 ! chemokine receptor CCR7 intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000444 ! lymphoid follicle intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001249 ! lymphoid nodule of spleen relationship: develops_from CL:0000896 ! activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell created_by: tmeehan creation_date: 2009-10-29T04:01:27Z

Original comment by: addiehl

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

These terms have been added:

id: MP:0010183 name: abnormal CD4-positive helper T cell morphology

id: MP:0010184 name: abnormal T follicular helper cell morphology

id: MP:0010185 name: abnormal T follicular helper cell number

id: MP:0010186 name: increased T follicular helper cell number

id: MP:0010187 name: decreased T follicular helper cell number

id: MP:0010188 name: abnormal T follicular helper cell differentiation

id: MP:0010189 name: abnormal T follicular helper cell physiology

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax