mgijax / mammalian-phenotype-ontology

Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology #643

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

By definition it seems like abnormal enteric cholinergic neuron morphology (MP:0001047) ought to be a child of abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology (MP:0001038) but it isn't. I'm assuming this is because abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology is a child of abnormal sympathetic nervous system morphology. Should the term name and definition of abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology be narrowed to reflect this placement?

Reported by: sbello

Original Ticket: obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/643

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Currently, abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology (MP:0001038) is not placed under abnormal sympathetic nervous system morphology. abnormal enteric cholinergic neuron morphology (MP:0001047) is a child of abnormal cholinergic neuron morphology (MP:0001038) and abnormal enteric neuron morphology (MP:0001046).

However, abnormal enteric neuron morphology (MP:0001046) was not a child of abnormal neuron morphology (MP:0002882). This has been fixed.

Changes over the last year or so may have resulted in discrepancies in placement compared to the existing trait file.

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax