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Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data
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pulmonary neuroendocrine cell terms #879

Closed obophenotype-user closed 9 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

Please consider adding:

  1. abnormal neuroendocrine cell morphology (NOTE: we already have a term for abnormal neuroendocrine gland morphology [MP:0000631]) SYN: abnormal neurosecretory cell morphology DEF: any structural anomaly of the cells that release a hormone into the circulating blood in response to a neural stimulus; such cells may compose a peripheral endocrine gland (e.g. insulin-secreting beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and the adrenaline-secreting chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla); others are neurons in the brain (e.g. neurons of the supraoptic nucleus that release antidiuretic hormone from their axon terminals in the posterior lobe of the hypophysis).

Then add:

  1. abnormal solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell morphology as a child of “abnormal neuroendocrine cell morphology” SYN: abnormal single pulmonary neuroendocrine cell morphology SYN: abnormal PNECs SYN: abnormal Kulschitzky cells DEF: any structural anomaly of the specialized non-ciliated, round- to oval-shaped epithelial cells found as solitary cells in the nasal respiratory epithelium and the mucosa of the larynx, trachea and bronchi up to the terminal bronchioles; PNECs are the first cell type to differentiate during early fetal lung development, produce amine (e.g. serotonin, 5-HT) and peptides (e.g. bombesin, calcitonin) with growth factor-like properties, and appear to be involved in processes ranging from lung development and respiratory physiology to repair, disease and carcinogenesis From J:53721

2a. increased solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number SYN: increased single pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number SYN: linear pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia SYN: pulmonary neuroepithelial cell hyperplasia SYN: PNEC hyperplasia SYN: hyperplastic PNECs From J:146355

2b. decreased solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number SYN: decreased single pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number SYN: PNEC hypoplasia SYN: hypoplastic PNECs

2c. absent solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cells SYN: absent single pulmonary neuroendocrine cells SYN: absent PNECs From J:113000

  1. abnormal pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies SYN: abnormal pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies SYN: abnormal NEBs DEF: any structural anomaly of the corpuscular, organoid structures composed of PNECs, found as distinctive innervated clusters only within intrapulmonary airways, where they appear concentrated at airway branch points; NEBs reach from the basement membrane to the airway lumen and are thought to function as oxygen sensors 3a. increased number of pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies SYN: increased number of pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies

3b. decreased number of pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies SYN: decreased number of pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies

3c. absent pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies SYN: absent pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies SYN: absent NEBs

COMMENTS: PNECs reside as solitary cells or as clusters (NEBs) at discrete locations. I decided to propose different terms for PNECs and NEBs based on the differential measurements of solitary PNECs versus NEBs from J:137934



Reported by: anna_anagnos

Original Ticket: obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/879

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

related CL terms:

[Term] id: CL:0000165 name: neuroendocrine cell namespace: cell def: "A neuron that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones, and that constitutes, in whole or in part, an endocrine organ or system." [MESH:A.06.688] synonym: "neurosecretory cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83810 is_a: CL:0000163 ! endocrine cell is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell

[Term] id: CL:0002066 name: Feyrter cell namespace: cell def: "A neuroendocrine cell found in the epithelium of the lungs and respiratory tract. This cell type is rounded or elliptical in shape, situated mainly in the basal part of the epithelium; regulates bronchial secretion, smooth muscle contraction, lobular growth, ciliary activity and chemoreception. Cell has an electron-lucent cytoplasm, contains numerous dense-cored vesicles with a clear halo between the core and the limiting membrane." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0412046911, ISBN:0517223651] synonym: "Bronchiolar Kulchitsky cell" EXACT [] synonym: "Kultschitzky cell of bronchiole" EXACT [] synonym: "P cell" BROAD [] synonym: "respiratory enterochromaffin cell " EXACT [] xref: FMA:14118 is_a: CL:0000165 ! neuroendocrine cell created_by: tmeehan creation_date: 2010-06-28T08:24:30Z

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

id: MP:0010913 name: abnormal neuroendocrine cell morphology

id: MP:0010914 name: abnormal solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell morphology

id: MP:0010915 name: increased solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number

id: MP:0010916 name: decreased solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell number

id: MP:0010917 name: absent solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cells

id: MP:0010918 name: abnormal pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies

id: MP:0010919 name: increased number of pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies

id: MP:0010920 name: decreased number of pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies

id: MP:0010921 name: absent pulmonary neuroendocrine bodies

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

Definitions are completed.

Original comment by: cindyJax

obophenotype-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: cindyJax