We have used your webview project to create our app. Its working great until we hit the roadbloack now we were trying to send a push notification with a custom sound to user's android devices. While sending push notifications using FCM from our app, the message does arrive in user's device but the custom sound set in the payload does not play. The notification arrives,but the custom sound does not play and nor does the default notification sound play. Here is the payload we are using
We have used your webview project to create our app. Its working great until we hit the roadbloack now we were trying to send a push notification with a custom sound to user's android devices. While sending push notifications using FCM from our app, the message does arrive in user's device but the custom sound set in the payload does not play. The notification arrives,but the custom sound does not play and nor does the default notification sound play. Here is the payload we are using
Do help us out on this issue.