mglaman / conductor

A Composer user interface built using Electron.
MIT License
142 stars 12 forks source link

Opportunity to close the joke-loop on Composer's logo problem #40

Open daggerhart opened 7 years ago

daggerhart commented 7 years ago

People have discussed that Composer's logo shows a person conducting music (arms waving a baton around) but no change has ever come of it. If inclined, the Conductor project is in a unique position to further confuse and inflame the discussion were it to have a logo of a person composing (writing music) 🙃

Composer logo for context 687474703a2f2f676574636f6d706f7365722e6f72672f696d672f6c6f676f2d636f6d706f7365722d7472616e73706172656e742e706e67

Conductor logo mockup to provide a starting point conductor-logo

andyg5000 commented 7 years ago

