Closed FlorentTorregrosa closed 2 years ago
@mglaman ping! :)
root@0366368ac50f:/app/drupalorg-cli-0.4.0# composer box-build
> php box.phar compile
/ __ )____ _ __
/ __ / __ \| |/_/
/ /_/ / /_/ /> <
Box version 4.0.2@4a57707 2022-06-27 07:11:00 UTC
// Loading the configuration file "/app/drupalorg-cli-0.4.0/box.json".
🔨 Building the PHAR "/app/drupalorg-cli-0.4.0/drupalorg.phar"
? Registering compactors
+ KevinGH\Box\Compactor\Php
? Adding main file: /app/drupalorg-cli-0.4.0/drupalorg
? Adding requirements checker
? Adding binary files
> No file found
? Auto-discover files? No
? Exclude dev files? Yes
? Adding files
> 567 file(s)
? Generating new stub
- Using shebang line: #!/usr/bin/env php
- Using banner:
> Generated by Humbug Box 4.0.2@4a57707.
> @link
? Dumping the Composer autoloader
In ComposerOrchestrator.php line 90:
Could not dump the autoloader.
In ComposerOrchestrator.php line 90:
The command "'/usr/local/bin/composer' 'dump-autoload' '--classmap-authoritative' '--no-dev' '--ansi'" failed.
Exit Code: 1(General error)
Working directory: /tmp/box/Box42402
Error Output:
In AutoloadGenerator.php line 1384:
require(/tmp/box/Box42402/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/bootstrap.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
dump-autoload [-o|--optimize] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu] [--apcu-prefix APCU-PREFIX] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-r
compile [--debug] [--no-parallel] [--no-restart] [--dev] [--no-config] [--with-docker] [-c|--config CONFIG] [-d|--working-dir WORKING-DIR]
Script php box.phar compile handling the box-build event returned with error code 1
Is there any news?
Sorry, I am checking it in #177.
It should be fixed in release
Thanks @mglaman!
I have just noticed that is in 404.
While is ok.
Version 0.3.1 also had the problem.