mglev1n / ldscr

LD Score Regression in R
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Ask for your help #19

Closed hyjyd closed 3 months ago

hyjyd commented 3 months ago

I am a university student from China and have encountered an error while using your R package. Could you please provide some guidance on how to resolve it? Thank you. [1] "SNP" "other_allele.exposure" "effect_allele.exposure" "beta.exposure" "se.exposure"
[6] "exposure" "mr_keep.exposure" "pval.exposure" "pval_origin.exposure" "id.exposure"
[11] "eaf.exposure" "samplesize.exposure"
✔ No ancestry specified, checking for user-specified ld and wld [28ms] ✔ Reading LD Scores [684ms]
✔ Reading weights [683ms]
✔ Reading M [72ms]
✔ Reading summary statistics for '0176.txt.gz' from dataframe [28ms] ℹ 1288230/17078548 SNPs remain after merging '0176.txt.gz' with LD-score files ℹ Removed 0 SNPs with Chi^2 > 80 from '0176.txt.gz'; 1288230 SNPs remain ✔ Merging '0176.txt.gz' with LD-score files [28.2s] ✔ Reading summary statistics for 'T2D' from dataframe [28ms] ℹ 1281623/19682557 SNPs remain after merging 'T2D' with LD-score files ℹ Removed 7 SNPs with Chi^2 > 400.197 from 'T2D'; 1281616 SNPs remain ✔ Merging 'T2D' with LD-score files [26.7s] ✔ Reading summary statistics [55.1s] ✔ Estimating heritability for '0176.txt.gz' [213ms] ✔ Estimating genetic covariance for for '0176.txt.gz' and 'T2D' [2.4s] ! Your genetic covariance matrix includes traits estimated to have a negative heritability. ✖ Estimating heritability for 'T2D' [232ms] Error : 找不到对象'S_Stand' 错误于LDSC_res[["h2"]]: 下标出界

mglev1n commented 3 months ago
