mgmeyers / obsidian-style-settings

A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No Color Override for Maroon #132

Closed NytSong closed 10 months ago

NytSong commented 10 months ago

Going through customizing my colors today to make them a little bolder and noticed that there is no option to override Maroon. I am using the most up to date version.


mgmeyers commented 10 months ago

Hi @NytSong, this looks like an issue with the theme and not style settings. You'll need to open an issue in the theme's repository to get help with this.

NytSong commented 10 months ago

How is it the theme when this is within the settings for Style Settings?

Keep in mind I'm new to Obsidian and I started with a repository a co-worker gave me and I've never chosen a theme for this.

mgmeyers commented 10 months ago

Theme developers control and configure which settings appear in style settings. From your screenshot it looks like the theme developer forgot to add a setting under color overrides for maroon.

NytSong commented 10 months ago

Ok, then I apologize for bugging you on it. I literally just started setting Obsidian this week and am attempting to find my way through it. Thank you.