How can I set the OUTPUT PATH to ensure that the exported '.md' and '.bib' files are automatically saved in the same folder?
For example:
I have two folders: ‘Chemistry’ and ‘Physics’.
Now, I want:
When exporting a '.md' file from a '.bib' file in the ‘Chemistry’ folder, the '.md' file should be automatically saved in the ‘Chemistry’ folder.
When exporting a '.md' file from a '.bib' file in the ‘Physics’ folder, the '.md' output should be automatically saved in the ‘Physics' folder.
This eliminates the need to manually change the output path each time."
Just like the setting in 'Files and links': "Default location for new notes: Same folder as current file"
Zotero Integration doesn't take bib files as input, so you seem to have something mixed up. Perhaps you are thinking of the Citations plugin, or Pandoc Reference List?
How can I set the OUTPUT PATH to ensure that the exported '.md' and '.bib' files are automatically saved in the same folder?
For example: I have two folders: ‘Chemistry’ and ‘Physics’.
Now, I want:
When exporting a '.md' file from a '.bib' file in the ‘Chemistry’ folder, the '.md' file should be automatically saved in the ‘Chemistry’ folder.
When exporting a '.md' file from a '.bib' file in the ‘Physics’ folder, the '.md' output should be automatically saved in the ‘Physics' folder.
This eliminates the need to manually change the output path each time." Just like the setting in 'Files and links': "Default location for new notes: Same folder as current file"