We are using component directives for example a custom select form element.
Obviously these directives require a custom scope to interact with their templates.
Unfortunately this causes troubles when using the analytics directive:
Error: Multiple directives [funkySpecialSelectElement, analyticsOn] asking for new/isolated scope.
Why does the analyticsOn require an isolated scope?
I would suggest to use var analytics = {}; instead of $scope.$analytics = {}; inside your directive.
What do you think?
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var eventType = $attrs.analyticsOn || inferEventType($element[0]);
var analytics = {};
angular.forEach($attrs.$attr, function (attr, name) {
if (isProperty(name)) {
analytics[propertyName(name)] = $attrs[name];
$attrs.$observe(name, function (value) {
analytics[propertyName(name)] = value;
angular.element($element[0]).bind(eventType, function ($event) {
var eventName = $attrs.analyticsEvent || inferEventName($element[0]);
analytics.eventType = $event.type;
if ($attrs.analyticsIf) {
if (!$scope.$eval($attrs.analyticsIf)) {
return; // Cancel this event if we don't pass the analytics-if condition
// Allow components to pass through an expression that gets merged on to the event properties
// eg. analytics-properites='myComponentScope.someConfigExpression.$analyticsProperties'
if ($attrs.analyticsProperties) {
angular.extend(analytics, $scope.$eval($attrs.analyticsProperties));
$analytics.eventTrack(eventName, analytics);
We are using component directives for example a custom select form element. Obviously these directives require a custom scope to interact with their templates. Unfortunately this causes troubles when using the analytics directive:
Error: Multiple directives [funkySpecialSelectElement, analyticsOn] asking for new/isolated scope.
Why does the analyticsOn require an isolated scope? I would suggest to use
var analytics = {};
instead of$scope.$analytics = {};
inside your directive.What do you think?