Closed user-redans closed 5 months ago
Hi @user-redans, which camera topic are you using? In your image, there are two topics. You may be publishing your realsense images in the /camera/camera/color/image_raw
and yolov8 is subscribed to the ```/camera/rgb/image_raw/ topic. Check also the QoS of the topics. You can modify both the image topic and the QoS using the launch params, take a look at the README.
Hi @user-redans, which camera topic are you using? In your image, there are two topics. You may be publishing your realsense images in the
and yolov8 is subscribed to the ```/camera/rgb/image_raw/ topic. Check also the QoS of the topics. You can modify both the image topic and the QoS using the launch params, take a look at the README.
I'm using default topic value, in launch .py script: "/camera/camera/color/image_raw" and image_reliability = 1 But I've tried with 0 and 2 on image_reliability and the result is the same
Topic "/camera/rgb/image_raw/" vizualization is also wrong, see image below:
This is my graph with all nodes and topics(rqt_graph), see image below:
In the rqt_graph, you are using the topic /camera/rgb/image_raw instead of /camera/camera/color/image_raw. There are new changes in the repository; could you try to see if they work for you?
It didn't work! See my new graph:
How are you launching it? It would be best if you were using something similar to this: ros2 launch yolov8_bringup input_image_topic:=/camera/camera/color/image_raw image_reliability:=1
I've launched with the same command line as you told me, but didn't work! In Rviz2 only this topic "/camera/camera/color/image_raw" works, see image below:
I've used this command line for camera launching: ros2 launch realsense2_camera
Can you show me your rqt_graoh again after launching the command?
Hi @user-redans, how is this going?
I've tried to launch 'yolov8_bringup/' but I have encountered an issue on Rviz2 yolo topic vizualization, see image below:
There is not any camera image from topic /yolo/dbg_image...You can see below a screenshoot with log terminal information:
This is a list with all my ROS2-humble available topics:
And some info's about my Jetson AGX Xavier that I'm using, with Jetpack 5.1.3:
I'm using a Intel RealSense camera, model D415.
I don't know what I'm missing? Do you have any suggestions?