mgood13 / mgood13_Design_Skills_Project

Repository for the First Semester Design Project
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PCB Re-Review #10

Open mgood13 opened 5 years ago

mgood13 commented 5 years ago

I've changed a few things about my PCB and I think that it's ready or hopefully close to ready to print, but wanted another set of eyes to look at it.

mlp6 commented 5 years ago

A few comments:

mlp6 commented 5 years ago

Actually, I think that more than the mentioned above connections might not be made on the PCB... take a closer look.

mgood13 commented 5 years ago

I'm very sorry. I hadn't pushed up the correct schematics. I have pushed the correct ones up now: "Analog_Light_Project_Improved_Schematic"

mlp6 commented 5 years ago

Some of the issues still persist in this revised version. For example:

mgood13 commented 5 years ago

I think all the traces are 20mil now and I switched everything to a single side by adding in some thru hole components and tracing under those, is this what you meant? Also, I have the LED grounded on the schematic, and it is labelled as ground on PCB, do I still need to route it back to the ground lead on the battery in order for it to be really connected to ground?

mlp6 commented 5 years ago

Hmmm... maybe I opened the wrong PCB file... let me check again.

mgood13 commented 5 years ago

Actually you're right. I didn't make the trace from the negative lead of the battery 20mil. I'll fix that now.