mgravell / Pipelines.Sockets.Unofficial

.NET managed sockets wrapper using the new "Pipelines" API
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ECCN number for library #83

Open RSharma34 opened 2 months ago

RSharma34 commented 2 months ago

Hello, We use this library in our commercial product and therefore need to know the ECCN for it.

ECCN is an international Export control and compliance number that is necessary for EVERY Export. So for export of a commercial Software using this library ( or any other open source or OEM Software), we need to document the libs, on one side to comply with license obligations and on the other side the ECCNs for Export restrictions. Please note, as the US regulations also care about re-export of US items ( any stuff that contains US Content above a certain Limit), we need to specify both; the EU-ECCN and the US-ECCN and hopefully the US license exception that applies (e.g. TSU for open source).

So please specify the ECCN or answer the following questions:

Country of origin ( where is this Software mainly developed) is there US Content in there? ( e.g. other open source libs) Is the SW designed or modified to use cryptography performing any cryptographic function other than authentication or digital signature? (y/n) –if yes, -- key length symetric -- Bit length asymmetric

Thanks and kind regards Rachna Sharma

mgravell commented 2 months ago

There is no ECCN for this - or most - open source library[ies]. Country of origin: UK. Cryptography: none. Other content: none.