mgreminger / is a web app that makes it easy to create, save, and share engineering calculations.
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Modulo Arithmetic #179

Open VanHulleOne opened 1 year ago

VanHulleOne commented 1 year ago

I was going to implement Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm to practice some more work in and I could not figure out how to do modulo arithmetic. If it is possible please let me know, otherwise could this feature be added? Thanks again for the great product.

I also notice there is no round, floor, integer division, maybe a few others like that. You don't need those all the time but when you do they are convenient.

mgreminger commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions. You're correct, there isn't a way to calculate the modulo or any of the other ways of working with integers that you listed. I agree that these would be useful at some point, particularly when indexing matrices and vectors. Adding these functions would likely come after implementing matrix/vector functionality and summation/product notation.

mgreminger commented 9 months ago

Ceil, round, and floor have just been rolled out. I'll leave this issue open since modulo and integer division are not yet implemented.