mgreminger / is a web app that makes it easy to create, save, and share engineering calculations.
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[Feature request] Support markdown in Documentation cells #216

Open ltroj opened 9 months ago

ltroj commented 9 months ago

I think the main strength of is the ease of use and it allows to quickly set up a well-documented computation sheet.

the main thing that breaks my workflow is having to use the formatting options from the dropdown menus within documentation cells. It would be great to be able to use markdown in these cells:

# This is a h1
## This is a h2
[this is an image](image.png)
*italic text*
**bold text**
| A | simple | table |
| A | B | C |

It would allow to write down a complete sheet without having to leave the keyboard once.


mgreminger commented 9 months ago

The choice of a rich text editor instead of a markdown editor was intentional since most engineers, other than software engineers, are not familiar with markdown. It would be nice to be able to support both a rich text editor and a markdown editor. However, the implementation of this feature in a way that would be intuitive and not confusing to the user would be fairly involved and is likely a ways off.