mgrinzPlayer / BoaLauncher

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Having trouble building on Kubuntu 20.04 #1

Open Talon1024 opened 3 years ago

Talon1024 commented 3 years ago

I just set up FreePascal on my Linux machine (Kubuntu 20.04), and when I try to build the Linux 64-bit QT target, I get these errors in the message log:

Compile Project, Mode: Linux 64bit qt5, Target: Blade_of_Agony_Launcher_qt5: Exit code 1, Errors: 3,7) Error: identifier idents no member "UnZipFile",8) Error: Identifier not found "IfThen",27) Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but "," found

I've never touched FreePascal before, so I have no idea what to do.

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

Did you install freepascal and lazarus from repo or from deb packages?

EDIT: I used the same version on windows and linux: FPC3.2.0 and Lazarus 2.0.10.

Note: for Windows I use 32 bit Lazarus, it takes less hdd space, with cross compiler "cross-x86_64-win64-win32" you can still compile 64bit binaries ):

for Linux you need those:

additional packages (you probably have some already installed):

EDIT2: I will check Kubuntu 20.04 too. (now I'm downloading the ISO image)

EDIT3: updated

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

I will check Kubuntu 20.04 too. (now I'm downloading the ISO image)

I've just installed Lazarus (above packages) and compiled BoaLauncher. gtk2 (top) and qt5 (bottom): obraz

Talon1024 commented 3 years ago

I was using the packages from the Kubuntu repositories. I'll see if I can get those newer deb packages set up.

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

Above screenshot shows "kubuntu-" installed on VMWare.

Talon1024 commented 3 years ago

So I got the above packages set up, and I found out that, in order to get the launcher to link, I had to install Qt5Pas. Once I did that, the launcher was running.

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

Yes. And end user will need:

for Blade_of_Agony_Launcher_gtk2:

readelf -d Blade_of_Agony_Launcher_gtk2 | grep "(NEEDED)" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)./dpkg -S \1/' | sh -s | awk -F":" '{print $1}' | sort -u

So: libatk1.0-0, libc6, libcairo2, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, libglib2.0-0, libgtk2.0-0, libpango-1.0-0, libx11-6

for Blade_of_Agony_Launcher_qt5:

readelf -d Blade_of_Agony_Launcher_qt5 | grep "(NEEDED)" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)./dpkg -S \1/' | sh -s | awk -F":" '{print $1}' | sort -u

and libqt5pas1 depends on:

apt depends libqt5pas1
  Depends: libc6
  Depends: libgcc-s1
  Depends: libqt5core5a
 |Depends: libqt5gui5
  Depends: libqt5gui5-gles
  Depends: libqt5network5
  Depends: libqt5printsupport5
  Depends: libqt5widgets5
  Depends: libqt5x11extras5
  Depends: libstdc++6

So, finally, qt5 version needs: libc6, libqt5pas1, libgcc-s1, libqt5core5a, libqt5gui5 or libqt5gui5-gles, libqt5network5, libqt5printsupport5, libqt5widgets5, libqt5x11extras5, libstdc++6, libx11-6

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

Small update. As you can see launcher looks different on Kubuntu Plasma. So, I changed MinHeight from constant 300 to the calculated one.

mgrinzPlayer commented 3 years ago

@Talon1024 do you have some suggestions? I only tested it under VM, not the real thing. Also, not on all screen resolutions or all scaling options.