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neo:lights:out #12

Open mgrubinger opened 1 year ago

mgrubinger commented 1 year ago

short: "A simple puzzle game about switching all the lights off. A remake of the 1990s game Lights Out." year: "2020" date: "2020" type: "PWA game" tasks: "everything" tools: "svelte, sveltekit, netlify, PWA" link: "" cover: "" video: ""

When I was a kid, I loved to play a game called Lights Out by Tiger Electronics.

It was my first portable "game console", and this is what it looked like:

OMG, this commercial is gold!

Recently a similar grid pattern reminded me of this game, so I decided to recreate it – but as a progressive web app.

While I'm not a big fan of the Neomorphism design trend, I wanted to play around with it to get an idea how the gradients and shadows are combined for that special look.

Stuff I used for this project:

