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How to deploy a Next.js application to a custom VPS using Bitbucket Pipelines #3

Closed mgrubinger closed 1 year ago

mgrubinger commented 2 years ago

date: '2020-01-24T08:00:00Z' short: How to automatically deploy your Next.js app to your server using git, Bitbucket pipelines and rsync tags:

Assuming, that you:

Setting up Bitbucket Pipelines

Most of the steps required to setup Bitbucket Pipelines are documented well enough, so I'm just going to list the steps together with the relevant links here:

Getting Started: If you have never used Bitbucket Pipelines, I recommend reading the official guide for getting started with Bitbucket Pipelines first.

Exchange SSH keys: In order to enable your pipeline to talk to your server via ssh, you will need to set up SSH keys. Please follow along this article to do so.

Create the Pipelines file

Bitbucket Pipelines allow you to run commands in a fresh docker image that already contains your code every time you push a commit to a certain branch. We'll use it to build our Next.js application and then push it to the server via rsync.

Create a file called bitbucket-pipelines.yml in the root of your git repository.

I use the following configuration:

# Using the node image provided by bitbucket
image: node:10.15.3

    # run this on every commit to the branch "staging"
      - step:
          name: buildAndDeploy
          # define which caches to use
            - node # provided by bitbucket to cache node_modules
            - nextcache # see definitions section below
            # install rsync
            - apt-get update && apt-get -qq install rsync
            # install node modules
            - npm install
            # build Next.js app
            - npx next build
            # create deploy directory (to contain .next folder, package.json, node_modules, public)
            - mkdir deploy
            - cp -a .next ./deploy
            - cp package.json ./deploy
            - cp -a node_modules ./deploy
            - cp -a public ./deploy
            # rsync to a temp directory on remote server
            - rsync -arz --delete $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/deploy/ $USER@$REMOTE_IP:/var/www/staging-temp
            # clear current serving directory, sync from temp directory to serving directory, restart next server
            - ssh $USER@$REMOTE_IP "rsync -ar --delete /var/www/staging-temp/ /var/www/staging && pm2 restart next-staging && rm -r /var/www/staging-temp"
    nextcache: .next/cache

A few things to note here:

Add environment variables

If you don't want certain pieces of information about your target server in your repository (like the IP address or the user), I recommend using environment variables for the build process.

In the Bitbucket Repository page, go to Settings → Pipelines → Repository Variables. In my example I used these two variables:

These Repository Variables can be used in the bitbucket-pipelines.yaml file using $-notation, like $REMOTE_IP. There are also a bunch of default variables provided by Bitbucket.

Try it out!

If everything is setup correctly (especially ssh keys), your Next.js-app should be deployed to the target server after every commit to staging branch. Visit the Pipelines section of your repository on Bitbucket (<your-bitbucket-repo-url/addon/pipelines/home) to watch what's happening (or see what's going wrong ⚠️).


Let me know what you think of this approach: Send me a message on Twitter or an email