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트랙터 블레이드 오류 #6

Open sar9702 opened 5 years ago

sar9702 commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2018-10-02 17-31-37

네트워크 오류가 나는데 제 생각에는 트랙터 엔진 서버의 호스트네임이 tractor-server로 되어있어서 그런거 같은데 어떻게 해결해야할까요...??

suyoungP commented 5 years ago
# netstat -tulpn|grep LISTEN

입력해보시고 나오는 정보와 tractor.config 파일 확인할 수 있을까요?

sar9702 commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2018-10-02 17-47-14

트랙터 엔진이 설치된 서버에서 입력했을 때 이렇게 나왔고, 렌더팜 서버에서는 netstat 명령어가 없어서 실행 못했습니다.

screenshot from 2018-10-02 17-48-56

tractor.config 파일에서 수정한 부분은 위와 같습니다.

suyoungP commented 5 years ago


That error message is not about licensing. Instead it is saying that your host "render1" cannot connect to your host named "tractor-engine". Is your host render1 on the same network as your Tractor Engine host? can they connect to each other?

Since it cannot connect it is also attempting to use SSDP to discover (via multicast) if your Tractor Engine is running on some other host.

You should have a host name alias called "tractor-engine" on your render farm network, referring to the one host running the Tractor Engine software. All of the Tractor Blade hosts will connect to the Engine. You can use a different hostname for the engine but that requires custom changes to all Blades and all user Dashboards and job submission scripts.

With regards to licensing: Only the Tractor Engine process needs to connect to your PixarLicenseServer host. Do you have a valid pixar.license file on the license host, or on the Tractor Engine host itself? If not, what is the LAN name or address of your license host? you can use the 3rd form if you know that. Again, the tractor-blade hosts do not need license configuration, only the tractor-engine host.

Tractor Forum에 올라온 답변입니다. 공유해드립니다.

suyoungP commented 5 years ago

blade PC에 tractor-engine 호스트를 잡아줘서 해결

vim /etc/hosts

다음 문장을 insert함. ip address) EngingHostName tractor-engine(사용할 Alias 명칭)

tractor-engine PC의 / 아이피주소 tractor-engine PC의 호스트네임 / alias로 지정해줄 네임 순으로 작성.