mgsloan / todoist-shortcuts

Browser extension which adds comprehensive keyboard shortcuts to Todoist, beyond what is offered by Todoist itself
MIT License
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Is there any way to make this work in Fluid? #260

Closed champagnealexandre closed 10 months ago

champagnealexandre commented 10 months ago

I’m using Fluid on macOS to turn websites into local (electron) applications. It’s similar to nativefier, but I don’t have to rebuild the application every time I modify the js/CSS codes I want to inject.

I’ve tried following the suggestions in the section named todoist-shortcuts in electron application, adapting it to Fluid: basically I just copied everything contained in todoist-shortcuts.js into the userscripts textbox in Fluid, which takes javascript code as input. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work. Tried changing the User Agent to Chrome but no success either (the default being Safari).

The disadvantage of using the "Chrome app" solution for my is that all my data is in Safari, so every time I open a link from Todoist (as a Chrome app) it opens in Chrome, which means I have to login again on websites, etc. I have no way of making the links from a Chrome app open in Safari.

Is there any way to make this work in Fluid?

edit: think I’ve found a workable solution in the meantime. For some reason the todoist-shortcuts script doesn’t work with a lot of options I’ve tried, like nativefier’s latest version (I use an M1 macbook so older versions don’t work). One solution I’ve found is Coherence, which seems to check all the boxes: domain whitelisting (i.e., restricting browsing to the domain while opening external links in the default browser), and allowing Chrome extensions—so I can install the todoist-shortcuts extension and another one that allows CSS customization.

additional edit: using Coherence led to some issues which using Todoist (opening some links entered in task descriptions wouldn’t work, downloading attachments from task comments either, etc.) but I finally found out that by copying the code from mousetrap.js and THEN the one from todoist-shortcuts.js in the userscript panel it works.