mgsloan / todoist-shortcuts

Browser extension which adds comprehensive keyboard shortcuts to Todoist, beyond what is offered by Todoist itself
MIT License
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Editing selected task while in task view #265

Closed flinesse closed 8 months ago

flinesse commented 9 months ago

Hi, I've been using this plugin with Todoist running as a PWA, and the experience has been much better compared to running the app natively. One thing I've felt consistent friction over however, is the lack of a keybind to edit the task while in task view. It feels awkward to not be able to edit while having the selected task front and center, needing to resort to hitting \<tab> multiple times to cycle through DOM elements until I get a hover on the task description box. I feel like a keybind for this would be a sensible and practical addition—helpful when there is a need to edit without distractions, i.e. when writing notes (uncompletable tasks) or tasks with lengthier descriptions. I'd like to see this be possible, perhaps with \<enter> or \<i> (currently bound to taskViewClose).

I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks again for this wonderful project.

Sidenote: I leverage (S)uper (D)uper Mode from jasonrudolph/keyboard to achieve a mouseless textbox editing experience on macOS, which makes this potential feature even more appealing to me. I believe glacambre/firenvim also helps achieve this, but have not tried it personally.

mgsloan commented 8 months ago

Forgot to comment here / close. Great point definitely an omission. As of version 191 a few weeks ago, enter now edits the task in task view

flinesse commented 7 months ago

@mgsloan Hi, I'm on ver 194 but have not been able to get this feature working.

Just spitballing here—looking at the associated commit, would the following element be a better candidate for simulating the click on?

<div role="button" tabindex="0" data-action-hint="task-detail-view-edit" aria-label="Task description" aria-description="Activate to edit the task description" class="task-overview-description">