When trying to install the DavMail RPM from the Open Build Service repository on openSUSE, Zypper displays the following error message:
Problem: 1: nothing provides 'group(davmail)' needed by the to be installed davmail-6.2.2-3.4.noarch
Solution 1: do not install davmail-6.2.2-3.4.noarch
Solution 2: break davmail-6.2.2-3.4.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c):
A similar problem probably occurs when trying to install the DavMail packages on any OS that uses RPM >= 4.19, and is due to a change in how that version of RPM handles users and groups. This issue and the possible workarounds for packagers is discussed in this openSUSE Factory mailing list post.
When trying to install the DavMail RPM from the Open Build Service repository on openSUSE, Zypper displays the following error message:
A similar problem probably occurs when trying to install the DavMail packages on any OS that uses RPM >= 4.19, and is due to a change in how that version of RPM handles users and groups. This issue and the possible workarounds for packagers is discussed in this openSUSE Factory mailing list post.
I will submit a patch shortly via OBS.