Open nemequ opened 5 years ago
The client IP address is available with davmail.connection log statements.
Is that a different file than the one that davmail.logFilePath
points to? I don't see any other logging files in the distributed with the RPM, and the IP address isn't included in that log.
By default connections log statements are stored in davmail.log, look for lines with davmail.connection
You can also create a separate logging file by adding the following lines in
log4j.logger.davmail.connection=DEBUG, ConnectionAppender
log4j.appender.ConnectionAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t] %c %x - %m%n
I'm not sure where is supposed to go; find / -name
doesn't show any hits. Those also look like the logging lines in, but adding them there doesn't seem to do any good.
I did manage to get davmail to generate the data I needed by changing log4j.logger.davmail from WARN (the default, at least for the RPMs) to INFO. I really think it should be enabled by default, maybe logging to a separate file (preferably without backtraces for warnings), but that's just my opinion.
Now that I'm getting the data I need I was also able to get fail2ban working. I created an /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/davmail.conf
with the following contents:
before = common.conf
failregex = ^ INFO \[.+\] davmail\.connection +\- FAILED \- <HOST>\:[0-9]+ (.+)$
ignoreregex =
Then added this to my /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
port = 1080,1143,1389,1110,1025
logpath = /var/log/davmail.log
enabled = true
You may need to tweak the ports to match the ports davmail is listening on. I've only tested with IMAP failures so far.
I'll leave the issue open for the question of enabling the necessary logs by default.
Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the lack of details in my answer.
The is located inside davmail.jar. In order to override default config you can either replace with jar uvf, or create a new in a separate directory and add this directory in java classpath before davmail.jar
Ah, that explains it nicely, thank you.
Sorry, I avoid Java whenever possible; I'm afraid my Java knowledge has largely atrophied.
We should make this easier to use by creating a new dedicated setting to set connection log path and create log4j config accordingly
I'd like to set up fail2ban to work with davmail, but it looks like the log doesn't include the client IP address for "Authentication failed" messages.
Even discounting fail2ban's needs, I think this would be good information to include in the log.