mgunyho / tere

Terminal file explorer
European Union Public License 1.2
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C-k / C-j / C-g / C-S-g / C-q for moving around and exiting? #35

Closed aldanor closed 2 years ago

aldanor commented 2 years ago

Currently, some home-row shortcuts have alt as a modifier, which may be much less convenient than ctrl (e.g. if you have caps lock to ctrl). Would it be possible to also support C-k, C-j, C-g, C-S-g, C-q and some other shortcuts with ctrl modifier as well?

mgunyho commented 2 years ago

Customizing keyboard shortcuts is currently not implemented, but it's certainly high on the todo list! For now, the best you can do is to change the modifiers == ALT to modifiers == CONTROL here and recompile. Sorry if that's too much of a hassle for you.

I will be offline for around two weeks so I won't have time to look into this very soon, but I'll see after that.

zbindenren commented 2 years ago

I was thinking exactly the same thing. This would be more vim like. I try to compile it.

mgunyho commented 2 years ago

Custom keyboard shortcuts have now been implemented in #57, which will be released soon. With this, you can add

--map ctrl-h:ChangeDirParent,ctrl-j:CursorDown,ctrl-k:CursorUp,ctrl-l:ChangeDir

# or if you prefer
--map ctrl-h:ChangeDirParent \
--map ctrl-j:CursorDown \
--map ctrl-k:CursorUp \
--map ctrl-l:ChangeDir

to your shell config to map ctrl+hjkl for navigation.

If you want to disable the Alt-* mappings, you can do

--map alt-h:None,alt-j:None,alt-k:None,alt-l:None