mgunyho / tere

Terminal file explorer
European Union Public License 1.2
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Fails to match directories past non-alphanumerical characters #97

Closed maa-x closed 9 months ago

maa-x commented 9 months ago

If a directory's name contains a non-alphanumerical character, tere fails to match past the special character.

For example, given a directory with the following sub-directories: test-dash test_underscore, tere finds no directories when the search input is dash, dot or underscore, as shown below:


mgunyho commented 9 months ago

Hi! The behavior you're seeing is actually expected. As you can see from the screenshot, the search is using "gap search from start". This means that searching for "dash" will not match "test-dash", because "test-dash" doesn't start with "dash". If you search for "tdash", it will match. You can change to "gap search anywhere" mode by pressing ctrl+f twice, or launching tere with --gap-search-anywhere or -G, which will work as you expect in this case.

maa-x commented 9 months ago

I should have read the man page..!

Thank you for the reply and wonderful app :)