dat_test=# create table test (time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() AT TIME ZONE 'utc'), name TEXT NOT NULL);
dat_test=# insert into test (name) VALUES('Hello');
dat_test=# select row_to_json(fields.*) FROM (SELECT * FROM test) as fields;
(1 row)
It seems like that postgres, at least with version 9.5, if using a row without timestamp without time zone
reports the data in the above format
When adding "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000" to the supported formats, in types.go, it works
Edit: Additional note: this happens when using SelectDoc only of course but I think that's clear to you when you see the row_to_json
It seems like that postgres, at least with version 9.5, if using a row without timestamp without time zone reports the data in the above format
When adding "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000" to the supported formats, in types.go, it works
Edit: Additional note: this happens when using SelectDoc only of course but I think that's clear to you when you see the row_to_json