mgwidmann / scrivener_html

HTML view helpers for Scrivener
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Remove page=1 query parameter because of SEO reasons #73

Closed Sgoettschkes closed 5 years ago

Sgoettschkes commented 6 years ago

fixes #72

The first page of a paginated page should be referred to without the page parameter to make sure Google sees the link as a link to the first page and not have two links (/ and /page=1) link to the same page.

Sgoettschkes commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this one?

Sgoettschkes commented 6 years ago

Ping @mgwidmann

sfusato commented 5 years ago

I was also looking for an option to remove the page=1 query string for the 1st page.

I've tested your fork and there's still ? left in the link like /? instead of just /. Not sure if it matters SEO-wise. Probably not.

Perhaps the same logic could be applied to Scrivener.HTML.SEO.header_links/4. Right now it still returns <link href="?page=1" rel="prev"></link> when on 2nd page.