mhammond / pywin32

Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions
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Error sending Outlook email after upgrade to Office 365 #2158

Closed damoboyle closed 9 months ago

damoboyle commented 9 months ago

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I have been using the below code for over a year with no issue. It pulls up outlook and automatically sends emails where they need to go. After a recent upgrade to Office 365 Applications from Office 2016 Applications the code is suddenly failing, but only when it tries to send mail, it works perfectly fine when displaying or saving as a draft.

import win32com.client as win32

def email(address, subject, message, attach=[]):

#Open Outlook and compose an email
outlook = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
mail outlook.CreateItem(0)

mail. To address
mail.Subject = subject

#Pulls up default signature of sender from Outlook

#HTML text to inform receiver that this email is automated
intro "<i style='color:red'>This is an automated message.</i><br><br>"

#Used to merge intro and user message into HTML body properly while including default signature
Index = mail.HTMLbody.find('>', mail.HTMLbody.find('<body'))

mail.HTMLbody = mail.HTMLbody[:index + 1] + intro + message + mail.HTMLbody[index + 1:]

#Attach File
if attach:
    for file in attach:

#Send Email
#mail Display(True) #Displays Email for Testing
#mail.Save() #Save as Draft

Traceback Error:

File "C:\Users\me\Documents\python\", line 29, in email


File "", line 2, in Send

pywintypes.com_error: (-2147024809, 'The parameter is incorrect.', None, None)

mhammond commented 9 months ago

See the very first 2 lines of your issue text.