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Error processing SyntaxError exception from a Python Script #2235

Closed nbbeatty closed 3 months ago

nbbeatty commented 3 months ago

When executing a Python script with a syntax error via Windows Scripting Host, the exception always comes back as "Unknown" with Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12

Expected behavior: From Windows OnScriptError( IActiveScriptError * pSE ) EXCEPTINFO eiError; pSE->GetExceptionInfo( &eiError );

eiError->bstrDescription should contain "invalid syntax" and info for line number and offset should be available.

Actual behavior: eiError->bstrDescription contains "Unknown" and the line number and offset are 0.

The problem is in class AXScriptException: The function _BuildFromSyntaxError that parses the SyntaxError exception has a tuple assignment that is failing because two new fields were added in 3.10 (end_lineno and end_offset).

The failing line in _BuildFromSyntaxError is: (filename, lineno, offset, line) = value[1] because value[1] starting with Python 3.10 now has six elements.

To be backwardly compatible with Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 and not get an exception in 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 I have coded: filename = value[1][0] lineno = value[1][1] offset = value[1][2] line = value[1][3]