mhammond / pywin32

Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions
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Free-threaded support? #2303

Open clin1234 opened 5 days ago

clin1234 commented 5 days ago

Has anyone here given thought on testing this module with the no-GIL version of the Python interpreter yet?

mhammond commented 4 days ago

I'm not aware of anyone looking at this. It's worth noting that there are quite a few places where the GIL is used to prevent concurrent access, so identifying these seems like the first step.

Avasam commented 4 days ago

As far as CI builds go, would be nice. But if it's somehow not available by the time pywin32 has nogil support, deadsnakes already offer a nogil python action:

clin1234 commented 4 days ago

As far as CI builds go, actions/setup-python#771 would be nice. But if it's somehow not available by the time pywin32 has nogil support, deadsnakes already offer a nogil python action:

deadsnakes is only tested on Ubuntu