mhartington / oceanic-next

Oceanic Next theme for neovim
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Bold setting doesn't work #84

Closed aaaxx closed 4 years ago

aaaxx commented 4 years ago

Using the italics and bold configuration from the readme, italics can be configured fine, but bold is always enabled.

From what little I can figure out in Vimscript after some poking around, it seems that bold variable is missing the s: prefix throughout both OceanicNext.vim and OceanicNextLight.vim.

mroavi commented 4 years ago

I also noticed something similar. I noticed that the Vim variables are shown in bold text even if let g:oceanic_next_terminal_bold = 0 is defined. The reason is that the highlight group vimVar links to Identifier image And Identifier is being defined as bold: image The strange thing is that Identifier is not being defined as bold inside colors/OceanicNext.vim image Any idea why the Identifier hi group is showing up in bold text?

Adding 'NONE' in the gui field disables Vim variables from showing up in bold text: image

mhartington commented 4 years ago

In vim colorschemes, it's common to have this snippet in place

  set background=dark
  hi clear
  if exists("syntax_on")
    syntax reset

Which surprisingly is responsible for making Identifier get "bold". The logic here is that vim provides a lot of colors already out of the box, so instead of trying to customize everything, change what you need.

I think i'm going to close this as it's less of a bug with the theme and more just how vim works. If you're up for changing the default and sending a PR, that would be great too.

aaaxx commented 4 years ago

So how can Vim's default bold be turned off? For example, language keywords are shown in bold for me.

Edit: Never mind. I figured out that the default Statement group and some others were causing it and disabled them:

highlight Statement  gui=NONE cterm=NONE term=NONE