mhausenblas / 2018-state-of-faas-on-kube

KubeCon Europe 2018—Lightning Talk: The State Of FaaS on Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

FaaS table #1

Open yaronha opened 6 years ago

yaronha commented 6 years ago

@mhausenblas as we discussed over Slack, i dont think the right way to compare FaaS is via the size of the community rather by value it brings. i suggest to either have some real comparison based on metrics like performance, supported languages, supported triggers, functionality.. or just be positive and state the strong points per project, e.g. OpenWhisk community, OpenFaas simplicity, Kubeless k8s integration, nuclio performance, etc.

it would only be natural that newer projects will have smaller communities, but sometimes the late arrivals learn from the mistakes of first gen. getting to 2K GitHub stars & 20+ contributors (from few companies) in 8 months is a great start, i wouldnt use "tiny" as the only way to define such projects which are packed with innovative features.

mhausenblas commented 6 years ago

OK, I'll see what I can do here.