mhayashi1120 / Emacs-wgrep

Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files
GNU General Public License v3.0
613 stars 43 forks source link

wgrep not working when used with ag --vimgrep #52

Open zilongshanren opened 5 years ago

zilongshanren commented 5 years ago
-*- mode:grep; default-directory: "d:/HLMJ_H5_proj/branches/HLMJ_MINA/HLMJ_creator_mina/assets/scripts/" -*-

4 candidates:
./Game/View/TableHandler/UserHandler.js:857:14:        this.CheckMJCountCorrect();
./Game/View/TableHandler/UserHandler.js:860:5:    CheckMJCountCorrect: function () {
./Game/View/TableHandler/UserHandler.js:865:24:            Log.Error("CheckMJCountCorrect failed ", ModuleType.Game);
./Game/View/TableHandler/UserHandler.js:866:43:            Util.CheckUploadLogAndReplay("CheckMJCountCorrect", PlayerPrefsKey.int_CheckDataErrorReplayTimes);

When use ag --vimgrep, the file line will contains a column value, wgrep can't handle this case properly.

Is there any workaround?

Could I modify wgrep-line-file-regexp to resolve this issue?
