mhayashi1120 / Emacs-wgrep

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Add C-c C-c as alternative to C-x C-s #83

Open memeplex opened 2 years ago

memeplex commented 2 years ago

Many modes share the C-c C-c = commit and C-c C-k = abort idiom. I understand the rationale for C-x C-s and it's fine, it already has its complement in C-x C-q. But C-c C-k doesn't have its counterpart in C-c C-c.

So in order to:

  1. Be consistent with a large part of emacs that uses the C-c C-c/k idiom.
  2. Be internally consistent by providing complete pairs: C-c C-c/k and C-x C-s/q.

I suggest to add C-c C-c.

memeplex commented 2 years ago

Oh it seems it already exists:


Perhaps it should be added to the documentation and the message:


would be more consistent if it referred to the pair C-c C-c/k as many other modes.