mhendriks / P1-Dongel-ESP32

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Possibility to register costs delivering energy to network #54

Open tkleijkers-innervate opened 3 weeks ago

tkleijkers-innervate commented 3 weeks ago

Most Dutch energy providers now charge a fee based on how much you deliver back on the grid. It would be nice if we can add these costs to the overview based on a monthly fee or based on some scales (0-1000 Wh: €0,50 per day, 1000-1500: €0,60 etc.)

Or at least sum up te amount of energy delivered back in the month overview.

mhendriks commented 1 week ago

In the DSMR-API firmware the Opgewekt (= teruggeleverd) amount could be displayed. The option for the fee is put on the Backlog. Thanks for the hint.

I should figure out what will be the best approach because of the different fees options.