mher / flower

Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
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number_of_prefetched_tasks not decrementing #1364

Open dpdoughe opened 3 months ago

dpdoughe commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug The number_of_prefetched_tasks remains greater than zero and grows slowly after service is under load.

To Reproduce I've seen the number_of_prefetched_tasks slowly creep up (by 1 or 2) counts after periods of heavy load (hundreds of thousands of tasks). I don't have a way in hand to reproduce this as I don't know yet what the root cause might be.

What I think may be going on is that the code here will increment the counter if 3 conditions are met.

While the code here is required to decrement the counter.

I wonder if either i) some condition might fail to match the 4 decrementing criteria, or if there is some scenario where the corresponding event would never get fired at all.

Expected behavior number_of_prefetched_tasks should decrease as well as increase and potentially get back to zero under periods of low to no load.

Screenshots GrafanaPrefetchedTasksCounter

System information Output of python -c 'from flower.utils import bugreport; print(bugreport())' command

flower -> flower:2.0.1 tornado:6.4 humanize:4.9.0 software -> celery:5.3.6 (emerald-rush) kombu:5.3.4 py:3.8.10 billiard:4.2.0 py-amqp:5.2.0 platform -> system:Linux arch:64bit kernel version:5.15.0-1053-azure imp:CPython loader -> settings -> transport:amqp results:disabled

deprecated_settings: None

dpdoughe commented 3 months ago

This seems to be some rare scenario in which the number of decrementations doesn't equal the number of incrementations. This leads to a gradual net creeping up of the number_of_prefetched_tasks during the up-time of the server

dpdoughe commented 3 months ago

My current best guess about what is going on here is that this upwards drift can happen when an expires is set on a task. According to the docs ,

When a worker receives an expired task it will mark the task as REVOKED

Since the decrementation logic apparently makes no allowance for revoked tasks, the counter drifts upwards in proportion to the number of revoked tasks.


dpdoughe commented 3 months ago

So to conclusively test the theory, I created a task that had expires=1 and the task internally slept for 100 seconds. Sending a bunch of async requests like this over a short period of time does result in the buggy behavior: grafana_prefetched_no_decrement

We can see the difference between a task that was prefetched and then revoked flower_revoked_prefetched

compared to a task that was revoked before ever becoming prefetched flower_revoked_not_prefetched

So the new code in my pull request looks for the attribute values needed to distinguish and then decrement those that only are revoked after becoming prefetched.

dpdoughe commented 3 months ago

@mher Please take a look at this issue.