Describe the bug
I start flower using the parameter --max_tasks, but the tasks are not being shrinked when the threshold is passed. Starting the server like this:
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('celery_flower')
# SSL Configuration for Untrusted Certificates
app.conf.BROKER_USE_SSL = {
'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_NONE # This will cause Celery to ignore verifying the certificate
# And some more custom code. But nothing on the Celery object
Due to other dependencies we can't solve right now, we're on flower v1.2.0 right now. Am I missing something here in order to make this --max_tasks working correctly? All other parameters like for example the --state_save_interval seem to work correctly.
Describe the bug I start flower using the parameter --max_tasks, but the tasks are not being shrinked when the threshold is passed. Starting the server like this:
/usr/local/bin/celery --app celery_flower --broker="pyamqp://user:***@hostname:5671//" flower --broker_api="https://user:***@hostname:15671/api/" --persistent --state_save_interval=5000 --max_tasks=20 --db="/home/flower/data/flower.db"
This is my
Due to other dependencies we can't solve right now, we're on flower v1.2.0 right now. Am I missing something here in order to make this --max_tasks working correctly? All other parameters like for example the --state_save_interval seem to work correctly.